Jahr: 2018

Enable ServiceMaps for Azure VM´s

Azure ServiceMap is a great extension to LogAnalytics, measuring Processes, Connectivity and Performance for Windows and Linux Computers onPrem and in the Cloud. This script (from https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msoms/2017/08/29/azure-vm-extension-for-dependency-agent/ ) enables the ServiceMap extension to all VM´s in a defined ResourceGroup. I just tested this again and it still works fine.

Hope that helps. R.

Install a PS Module from the PS Gallery in Azure Automation by Script

Hi All ! Azure Automation allows the installation of Modules published on the PS Gallery, or beeing uploaded from a ZIP File. The ZIP-Upload can be automated with commands from AzureRM.Automation Module, but i was facing the following problem. When i automatically deploy an Azure Automation Account, how can i install a PowerShell Module from… Read more Install a PS Module from the PS Gallery in Azure Automation by Script